I can't believe that you are reading this far into my blog. I'm heartened and honored by that fact. I want to thank you and the Academy for taking me seriously enough to read my blog. And I am really, really interested in what you think, how I can improve (please don't say by shutting this site down, even if it's true), and if you have topics that you would like for me to discuss. So if you don't want to leave a comment in the body of the blog, here's how we get in touch.
If you want to talk back to me, it's really pretty easy. If you're reading this blog, you probably already know me in some form or fashion as family, a friend or an acquaintance. The easiest way to give me feedback is to say it to my face. But if that doesn't work for some reason, such as you want to be snarky or mean or blow smoke up my ass about how good this blog truly is, then you can send me an email at [email protected]. You can't follow me on Twitter because I'm a lawyer and can't say anything in less than 140 characters (why use one word when ten will suffice?). You can't follow me on Facebook either because I'm not that douchey and don't want to "like" every picture that my nieces and nephews post, nor do I want a bunch of people from high school tracking me down looking for a loan.
If you're looking for a response from me, that's cool, I will try to get to everything. But I do have a job and a life outside of this blog and therefore will get to it when I get to it. Thanks again for reading!
If you want to talk back to me, it's really pretty easy. If you're reading this blog, you probably already know me in some form or fashion as family, a friend or an acquaintance. The easiest way to give me feedback is to say it to my face. But if that doesn't work for some reason, such as you want to be snarky or mean or blow smoke up my ass about how good this blog truly is, then you can send me an email at [email protected]. You can't follow me on Twitter because I'm a lawyer and can't say anything in less than 140 characters (why use one word when ten will suffice?). You can't follow me on Facebook either because I'm not that douchey and don't want to "like" every picture that my nieces and nephews post, nor do I want a bunch of people from high school tracking me down looking for a loan.
If you're looking for a response from me, that's cool, I will try to get to everything. But I do have a job and a life outside of this blog and therefore will get to it when I get to it. Thanks again for reading!